Monday, May 18, 2020

The Issues Of Women s Sexuality Essay - 2011 Words

There are many pressing issues that women face regarding their sexuality today. Examples of these issues include sexual violence, harassment, the regulation of women’s bodies, and a multitude of others. Although these issues may seem to be vary, or fall on different places on a spectrum of severity, there is a factor that conjoins all of the aforementioned issues together. Many societal issues which women face regarding their sexuality are tied to the fact that women as sexual beings are stigmatized. For hundreds of years, the common view was that women could not, should not, would not be corrupted by the dangers of sexuality, with the exception of within her marriage bed. This stigma has shaped society in many ways, and is experienced by almost every woman within her lifetime, however certain populations may experience more stigma than others. Some of these populations may be people who are already otherwise marginalized, such as women of colour or members of the LGBTQ commun ity, but other examples may come from people who deviate from societal norms. Sex workers, which are people who partake in any sex, or sexually related goods, in exchange for money, fall into the latter category. This paper will examine five feminist writer’s experience of the issue regarding the stigmatization that sex workers face, and will delve into potential solutions when approaching this issue to see what will work best to eradicate this prejudice. The stigma that is associated with sex work isShow MoreRelatedVisual images Reinforce Traditional Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes948 Words   |  4 Pagesimages reinforce traditional gender and sexuality stereotypes through the manifestation of the masculine and feminine miens. 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