Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Evaluation of Leadership Impacts on Organisational Performance

Question: Discuss about "An Evaluation of Leadership Impacts on Organisational Performance". Answer: Introduction The performances of the employees in a business institution are largely influenced by the leadership traits and styles of organisational managers. Democratic, charismatic, laissez-faire and servant leadership styles encourage the employees to generate performances while existence autocratic leadership styles reduce the motivation levels of the people to perform in an effective fashion(Fuda, 2013). Problem Statement Different leadership styles like autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, charismatic and servant are observed to affect the performance aspects of employees operating in an organisation. The best kind of leadership style is required to be identified and incorporated for generation of improved organisational performance. Aims and Objectives Aims The research focuses on understanding the impacts of varied types of leadership styles on the performance aspects of the business organisations. Objectives To reflect on the different types of leadership styles. To evaluate the impacts of different leadership styles on organisational performance. Brief Methodology Research Philosophy Interpretivism research philosophy would be used for promoting the design of unstructured questionnaires used for conducting of interviews of focused group respondents. The inferences gained from interpretivism research paradigm would be broad based and in-depth in nature. Similarly, quantitative and specific inferences would be gained from survey respondents through the use of positivism research (Ouyang, 2001). Research Design The use of inductive research design is promoted based on the study of potential literatures like books, journals from databases and other online journals and articles related to organisational leadership and its impacts on organisational performance. Inductive research activity would help in the development of new concepts and theories from the study of earlier theories and concepts associated with the research issue. Deductive research design is based on the development of research hypotheses and thereby structured questionnaire sets for gaining of survey inferences for proving the hypotheses constructed (Brown, 2010). Research Strategy The conducting of literature review based on the study of different literatures collected from books, journal articles and other research articles require the incorporation of secondary research study. Primary research study is also carried out through use of interviews and surveys based on developing of open and close-ended questions respectively (Babbie, 2009). Data Collection Data collection related to interview is gained by the researcher based on the development of interview transcripts and also through the use of recording gadgets for recording of inferences both from focused and telephonic interviews. Data collection for survey research would be carried out through development of structured questions containing five point likert scales and thereby in distributing the same through mailers and online (Tingli Chengqing, 2010). Sampling Non-probability samples like clustered sampling would be used for selection of respondents needed for designing of focused group of managerial respondents constituted by 20 people. Probability sampling like the random sampling approach is used for the selection of survey respondents of around 100 people (DeVaus, 2002). Data Analysis Qualitative and narrative inferences gained from interview activity would be analysed through the Grounded Theory Approach of categorisation and unitisation of data sets. Quantitative data sets gained from survey activity are analysed based on graphical and statistical analysis (Brown, 2010). References Babbie, E. (2009). The Practice of Social Research. USA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Brown, A. P. (2010). Qualitative method and compromise in applied social research. Qualitative Research , 10 (2), 229-248. DeVaus, D. (2002). Surveys in social research. USA: Routledge. Fuda, P. (2013). Leadership Transformed: How Ordinary Managers Become Extraordinary Leaders. United States : Profile Books. Ouyang, R. (2001). Basic Inquiry of Quantitative Research. Australia: Ezine articles. Tingli, L., Chengqing, W. (2010, September 16). Empirical Research on Economic Impact of Mega-Event: Based on the Case of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Management and Service Science (MASS) , 1-4.

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